30 June 2012 Corin Dam to Mt Gingera

Snow Gums and snow at Mt Gingera

Map: Corin Dam 1:25000

Getting There

This walk was organised and enjoyed by me as a private walk:

Saturday 30 June - Corin Dam to Mt Gingera - L/M. Wander up the newly developed track from Corin Dam to Stockyard Spur. On to Mt Gingera. Snow shoe if possible. Around 19km and 1100m climb. Map: Corin Dam.


You can access all photographs here.


Track maps: thumbnails are active - click for a larger picture
Track overview Track 1 Track 2

First day of retirement, so a walk was appropriate. Max has already wandered up the new track. We saw snow on Gingera from Mt Ainslie last Saturday, so humped the snow shoes and poles.

Pleasantly surprised by all the track work, particularly as it could save the life of a fire fighter. Also makes the trip up a bit easier, so might encourage folk to drive to Corin Dam (shorter and less fuel than to Mt Ginini car park) and wander up. That would also keep the track well used.

The track isn't any less in height, but the 5m clearing each side, the timber and stone steps make it a piece of cake to follow (could do so at night with a torch). Still starts opposite the toilet block. You wouldn't get wet from the pea regrowth on the first zigs and zags now - they are well cleared. Then a series of timber steps (didn't count them) and a few stone steps. A good trip up. The marker cairns at the top are gone, replaced by a huge clearing. No doubt a helicopter landing pad and a vehicle turnaround. 2.3km in 1hr going up, rising from 950m to 1490m = 540m.

Then along and up the Stockyard Spur vehicle track, which has been worked over to allow vehicle access. A bit of snow around the Stockyard Spur Grandstand. Weather started to come in a bit. Down to the Stockyard Spur marker pole, then along past Pryors Hut. Snow on the management trail and in the bush, but not complete cover.

Called by to see good old 21 Mile marker and Q57. Then further along the Mt Franklin Rd to the U-turn where the footpad to Mt Gingera starts. The sign has been replaced by something more in keeping with a footpad.

Increasing snow cover up the track, with 100% cover from around half way up.

Reached the top at 11.15am having covered 10km. Rang Gay. Boiled the billy on my whisperlite and had a cuppa, along with a sandwich. Popped a photo on Facebook - incredible that you can do that from out in the bush. Under instructions to be home by mid arvo, decided to give Brumbys Flats a miss, but to snow shoe the Gingera Ridge. Very pretty.

Down from SH1847 to Pryors Hut and wandered along home.

Met a couple around 1.30pm at about the 1500m contour on Stockyard Spur. They must have been a bit more optimistic than me - they had skis and it was getting on in the day.

40mins down to Corin Dam along the new track, meeting another couple who'd just gone up to the top of the track.

Distance: 19.7km Climb: 1100m. Time: 8.25am - 2.15pm (5hrs 50mins), with 35mins of stops.
Grading: L/M; H(13)

KMZ file for Google Earth/Maps: Mt Gingera from Corin Dam

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